Essay meaning
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Travel Articles Arent for Travel Magazines Only
Travel Articles Arent for Travel Magazines Only You shouldn’t limit your endeavors for a movement article deal living magazines, regionals, ways of life, papers, seniors magazines, general magazines and even pet magazines (if your pet article is travel related) and all the more all print travel articles. FAMILY FUN, a family and child rearing magazine, has a few travel columns.â Two are â€Å"We Tried It†and â€Å"You are There.†â These one-page articles detail a family’s experience attempting a particular action or at a participatory attraction.â Christian magazines frequently consolidate data about fascinating spots with missions as well as service opportunities.â Business magazines have short articles relating to travelbusiness trips, air terminals that give activities between flights, etc.â Regional or way of life magazinesMIDWEST LIVING and SOUTHERN LIVING, for examplelook for short pieces on beautiful drives, city profiles, travels, goals, etc.â EVERYDAY WITH RACHAEL RAY, a food and way of life magazine, ordinarily has up to ten pages of movement related articles.â Even thrifty living bulletins buy travel pieces.â I undercuts an article on the most proficient method to get a good deal on the acquisition of a rental vehicle and another on th e best way to set aside cash when taking an excursion to THE DOLLAR STRETCHER. And, obviously, there are the composing magazines.â Once you have a little travel-composing adroit added to your repertoire, tell others how you do it Travel articles epitomize more than the 2,000-3,000 word highlight articles on goals and such; they likewise incorporate 50-150-word fast hit pieces on the most recent travel trendsgear, contraptions, etc.and other short 250-500 word pieces on everything from feasting and nightlife to wellbeing and transportation as long as it’s travelrelated.â Travel showcases other than the conventional travel markets are universal and for all intents and purposes perpetual. Travel articles frequently ride at least one market boundaries.â That is the reason such a large number of various kinds of magazines can utilize them. For instance, an anecdote about individuals with incapacities or ailments utilizing air transportation would be both wellbeing and travel related and a tale about tip top travel status could locate a home in a business magazine and a movement magazine.â I am presently chipping away at a short 250-word review for ARTHRITIS TODAY on a home-developed methodology my child thought of for a holder to convey infusion needles on board a plane, an article provoked You can frequently gather the movement data for your elective magazine markets from what you utilized in a bigger more inside and out movement article you composed for a real travel magazine.â I as of late composed a more-than-2,000-word coordinations article on a significant city for TRAVEL SMART, for example.â From that one article I had the option to separate a 600-word how-to for a composing magazine, a 1,000-word article for another and a 700-word how-to for a cheap living pamphlet (all movement related articles, of course).â And I’m not finished.â I likely arrangement a short refinery profile (travel related) for a whiskey magazine (non-travel distribution), a thought that came to me when I incorporated a refinery visit as a feature of my protracted coordinations article.â As I’d as of now examined and provided details regarding these side projects in my unique article, reusing them to other non-travel markets was genuinely straightforward. As independent scholars we have to keep the checks coming in. In the event that you’re a movement author, money in (I imply that truly) on each chance to â€Å"crossover†into other non-touring publications with your movement articles.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
14 potential Issues with Crowdfunding and How to Solve Them
14 potential Issues with Crowdfunding and How to Solve Them © | Igor SamoilikCrowdfunding has been around for a while now, facilitated by the many different platforms that have set up shop on the internet. As more people become aware of the benefits of this method of raising capital for ideas and inventions, the more complex the ecosystem is becoming. Navigating this new way of raising funds is rife with its own set of problems big and small. In this article we will look at 1) issue #1 choosing the right platform, 2) other crowdfunding issues (issues #2 #8), and 3) issues with equity crowdfunding (issues #9 #14).ISSUE #1: CHOOSING THE RIGHT PLATFORMAs the world of crowdfunding expands and grows, the choice of which platform is the right fit for a particular idea or product has also become a tough and overwhelming one to make. At first glance, most of the well-known websites can appear almost identical. But on closer study, there are a variety of factors involved that complicate this decision.Solving the issueStep 1: Unders tand the projectThe first step to making this decision is to first ensure that the idea being put forward is a strong one that will appeal to the target audience. People tend to give money to projects that:Are relatable through the project’s message or causeAllow people to connect to the project through the media made availableOffer an interesting or unusual reward in exchange for the donationIn addition to this, it is important to understand how the money raised is to be spent, what genre the project falls within, is the project such that people unfamiliar with a brand be willing to donate or is the brand completely unknown.Step 2: Understand Funding RequirementsOnce these issues are clear in the minds of those putting the project forward, it is important to consider whether partial funding would be acceptable or does the project require full funding. This seems like a simple answer but is actually more complicated a decision than it appears. Small businesses can set themselves u p for failure if they accept partial funding and are then unable to meet the expectations of those who have donated. Orders taken will need to be fulfilled but this will not be possible if the money collected is not enough to cover the costs of production. However, there is a chance of collecting enough funds, just under the target amount, to meet the cost requirements of the project. This is why it is important to understand how well the project may do and make this decision accordingly.Step 3: Understand the Brand Value of the Potential PlatformsSome crowdfunding platforms are more well-known than others, which could mean a larger target audience to be reached. On the other hand, some are very niche players such as hubbub, which accepts only university and charity related projects. This could mean access to a smaller but more relevant and more likely to donate audience.Step 4: Understand What You Need From the AudienceSome websites allow you to post your project after meeting a ba re minimum of requirements. Others carefully curate and select the projects that can be presented to the audience. Still others coach a project team through the entire process, offering tips and advice. Before choosing a platform, it is vital to be clear on the level of assistance that is required and needed. Some people do not do well with handholding and prefer autonomy, while others may want to benefit from the experience of others to ensure success. A professional in their field may not need an audience telling them how to do what they are trained to do. On the other hand, an entrepreneur may want to use all the help they can get.A useful infographic to make this decision can be found here.OTHER CROWDFUNDING ISSUESIssue #2: Planning a realistic target amount and Time FrameEnthusiastic project owners may be convinced that their great idea is enough to raise at least the target amount in the specified time. But in reality, it is important to be more pragmatic about both the total amount to be raised and the time frame needed to raise it in. A good place to start is to assess realistically how much money is required to reach the next major stage of the project. Often, project owners take to crowdfunding in phases, choosing to fund one phase and completing that target before asking for the money for the next phase of the project. This helps keep target amounts more achievable and less daunting. It is generally accepted that campaigns with time restraints have better outcomes. This means limiting to a few weeks rather a few months. The balance here is crucial as a campaign that lasts for a few days may not afford enough time to effectively communicate with the target audience without resorting to spamming. A campaign that is a few weeks long will allow a project owner to update donors once or twice a week easily.Issue #3: Building InterestEven when a great business idea exists it is not a necessary that the donations will pour in automatically. There needs to b e a properly prepared campaign to generate and maintain interest in the project. It is a good idea to spend some time and effort to assess potential interest in the project before officially asking for funds. Through this phase and through the fundraising project time and manpower need to be budgeted to ensure a successful fundraising campaign. Without specific requests, the campaign may get lost in the crowd of other projects or people may forget that it is something they need to do. A personalized outreach is the best way to approach the first degree network which is usually made up of friends, family, acquaintances and coworkers. These people can then help spread the work to their own networks, generating interest in a wider circle of possible donors.Issue #4: Managing Expectations and Delivering on Promised RewardsOne of the most common problems in crowdfunding is meeting expectations of those who give to the campaign. As soon as the campaign ends, the race to meet reward expect ations begins. If a campaign does really well, then there may be more backers that need to be rewarded than was expected. If the campaign was run to receive as much funds as collected, then there may not be enough money to fulfill promises made. Even in the best situations, there may be unforeseen events such as manufacturer or parts issues and unexpected shipping problems or costs. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to first come up with a realistic time frame for delivering rewards and then build a reasonable buffer into this time to allow a more accurate expectation to be set for the campaigns supporters. Some experts suggest tripling the original length of the reward fulfillment time needed.Issue #5: Managing Copyright IssuesA potential problem when crowdfunding is copyright protection and intellectual property rights. Unscrupulous individuals may troll crowdfunding sites and steal ideas for inventions and projects before the original project owner has a chance to compl ete their fundraising. Another aspect of this is if the invention under question unwittingly infringes on someone else’s intellectual property. In the latter case, there is a chance that the owners of the intellectual property will hit the project owner with lawsuits that may result in a loss of revenue to handle. For both these reasons, it is a good idea to hire a lawyer to ensure that there is no infringement on existing rights and to better protect an original idea. This may be an expensive proposition however. Other ways to ensure some degree of protection include working with the funding portal of your choice to counter this issue. There are platforms that require investors to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDA) and also provide private data rooms where information can be uploaded but not accessible to the general public. There data rooms should be password protected and allow the campaign owner to see how long the files were viewed and by whom.Issue #6: Managing Compliance and Accounting IssuesThere is generally an uncertainty when it comes to accounting rules for money raised through crowdfunding. Different financial experts will have a different opinion on whether the money raised through these means are to be counted as capital or income. This can lead to accounting and compliance confusions. Some countries or states within the US will have rules for how this money is to be taxed. Others have yet to create laws and regulation to streamline this aspect. Depending on the place where the project owner is based and where the money is being collected there may be rules and regulations that need to be complied with. And since these rules are so loosely defined, it is important to attempt to understand them before setting up a campaign to collect funds.Issue #7: Managing Privacy IssuesThere are several types of privacy and security problems that can arise as a result of a crowdfunding campaign. Since information on the internet seems to live forever, a ca mpaign to raise funds to pay personal bills may affect a job offer many years later if the employer does an internet search. Other problems may exist as well. In an effort to connect with the audience and make them feel invested in the project, campaign owners may get carried away and share too many personal details of their lives. This information could fall into dangerous hands and compromise the safety of the campaign team and their families. Details such as home addresses, locations, photos of license plates, cell phone numbers and names of schools or other such places should never be made public online.Similarly, for those donating money, it is vital to choose sites that are dedicated to protecting their financial and personal data from possible scammers and con artists.Issue #8: Risk of Scammers and Lack of TrustAs much as one would like to believe that people are essentially good, there are the requisite bad seeds in every group. Though some websites have rigorous screening p rocesses, a scammer may slip through. Others don’t have this process to begin with, increasing the chances of someone who will either fail to deliver on a project or never intended to do so in the first place. This can become a major problem for those who visit crowdfunding websites to donate. For the rest of the campaign owners, it can also mean a general lack of trust around crowdfunding which can affect the whole community. Whether it is an individual, a team or a charity that asks for a donation, it is up to the donors to do their due diligence in terms of understanding where their money will go and whether they are ready to take a chance on an unknown person. The first source of information is a simple google search. For those looking to give to a cause or a campaign and for those who choose to help spread the word for one, simple steps to gather some information will help stop these scammers before they can get away with swindling innocent people.ISSUES WITH EQUITY CROWDFUND INGA major type of crowdfunding is equity crowdfunding. Here, a variety of people can invest in a company in exchange for an equity stake in this company. Websites that facilitate this type of crowdfunding have existed in Europe since 2012. In the United States, this version of crowdfunding is held back by the lack of regulations governing transactions and ownership. Though made possible under the JOBS act of 2012, there is still a lack of a final set of guidelines by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Though there are benefits to this sort of crowdfunding such as the ability of an entrepreneur to raise money where they couldn’t before through traditional venture finance channels, there are some problems that exist simultaneously. These include:Issue #9: ValuationA business that is listed on a crowdfunding platform usually has valuation set by the entrepreneurs themselves. But this is not an accurate representation because startups are usually not worth as much as the entrepr eneur thinks it is. This means that without a true valuation, investors will not be able to get the promised returns. This problem can be overcome by ensuring that lead investors are experienced angel investors who are able to conduct their own valuations and allow sophisticated crowd investors to get successful return on investments.Issue #10: Inadequate Due DiligenceIn equity crowdfunding, there is very little time for proper and detailed due diligence. This can lead to losses that could be averted by an experienced angel investor and proper due diligence.Issue #11: Lack of AccountabilityIn equity crowdfunding, no investor is representing their own interest. This means that there is no accountability on the part of the startup business to ensure that the money is spent wisely or as planned. Experienced investors on the other hand can help steer a company through initial periods of low cash flow and out the other end. A way to overcome this would be for investors to ask for regular updates, financial statements and proof of progress from a company before investing.Issue #12: Potential Lack of Financial MattersIn traditional equity financing, the investors may make it necessary for themselves to be on the board of a startup. This means that the startup will benefit from the financial and business experience and expertise of the investor. This is an aspect that is not enforced in equity crowdfunding.Issue #13: Corporate GovernanceAgain, in a traditional financing situation, investors ensure that a startup has a corporate governance mechanism in place. This helps ensure that management teams are challenged constructively by experienced investors, genuinely interested in the success of the company. This important aspect is missing in equity crowdfunding and is at the discretion of the entrepreneur.Issue #14: Lack of Structured Communication Channels and MechanismsThis is an issue that is slowly being addressed by equity crowdfunding websites. There are post-raise areas where communication can continue after a campaign closes. It is important for an entrepreneur to keep an open channel of communication with investors throughout the process to ensure that there is no key point in time where the management team has to spend time placating concerned stakeholders. An open channel will ensure that stakeholders are there to support through difficult times rather than blaming the team.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The 8 Violations Of Media Objectivity Essay - 1051 Words
The 8 Violations of Media Objectivity 1. Misleading definitions: Prejudicing readers through language. Language is too often used to promote an agenda. The media must exercise caution when consciously choosing to adopt (or avoid) certain terms, proper nouns, or foreign words. George Orwell articulated the potential problems: â€Å"But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.†2. Imbalanced reporting: Distorting news through disproportionate coverage. Journalism distorts news through disproportionate coverage, presenting only one side of the story, or misrepresenting fringe views as mainstream. For purposes of journalism, balance is defined as; â€Å"A state in which different things occur in equal or proper amounts or have an equal or proper amount of importance.†3. Opinions disguised as news: Inappropriately injecting opinion or interpretation into coverage. A journalist’s job is to report facts without injecting his own opinion or interpretation of events. Reporters are entitled to their opinions, and veteran journalists have insights that can and should enrich the public’s understanding of developments. But the place for a reporter’s opinion or interpretation of events is in the op-ed section, or in articles or sidebars clearly labeled as analysis. Even properly-labeled commentary requires a modicum of objectivity. Opinions must be based on accurate information, sound logic, and expressed respectfully. When columnists, talking heads, or bloggers play looseShow MoreRelatedDeterminants of Internal Audit Effectiveness8672 Words  | 35 Pagesvs. outsources internal audit, independent and objectivity of internal audit, staff competency, management support and tone at the top and scope of services and planning. Toward this end it confirms the five determinants of the effectiveness of internal audit are needed in ensuring the well-being of an organization and for it to achieve its objectives. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cultural Issues Of International Business - 1821 Words
Culture can be defined as â€Å"the sum total of the beliefs, rules, techniques, institutions, and artefacts that characterize human populations†(Ball et al, 1999 p.258). Sociologist generally talk about a socialization process – referring to the influence of social groups upon an individual, and the interaction of that individual with other members of society. Key elements of culture include language, religion, values, attitudes, customs and norms of a group or society. Cultural issues present a significant challenge to businesses; particularly international businesses. This is because businesses involve people. Every business employs people, sells to people, buys from people, and is owned and regulated by people. International people involve people from different national cultures - these cultures affect every aspect of business functions, including but not limited to: recruiting and managing a workforce, marketing and distribution, purchasing of raw materials, deali ng with regulators, and securing funds. The challenges that cultural issues present to international business is that of creating and nurturing cultural awareness; identifying and understanding the dynamics of culture; recognizing behavioural patterns and practices that affect the business; and coming up with strategies for dealing with cultural differences. Cultural awareness can be described as awareness of the various norms, practices, and other cultural variables of a country. This is an important aspect toShow MoreRelatedCross Cultural Issues in International Business2688 Words  | 11 PagesFestivals of Fiji 4 Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day 4 The Lovo Feast 4 Culture 5 The Three Cultures Model 5 Cultural Frameworks and Dimensions 6 Hofstede 6 Trompenaars Hampden-Turner 7 Hall 8 The Johari Window 9 GLOBE Research 10 Comparison of Cultural Frameworks and Dimensions 11 Management Approach 12 Conclusion Recommendation 13 APPENDIX A 14 References BibliographyRead MoreThe Impact Of Culture On International Marketing Communication1486 Words  | 6 PagesSUMMARY Cultural factors have long been known to impact the communication and success capability of competition in conducting worldwide business. The objective of this report is to recognize the importance of cultural factors occurring in marketing communications. 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While there are many various global issues that affect the International Human Resource Management to run efficiently, there are two key concepts that play a major role in understanding how to approach them with cohesive and a well coherent strategy; they are the International Human RecourseRead MoreAnalysis: The Benefits and Challenges of Improving Intercultural Communication912 Words  | 4 Pages Okoro and Thomas (2012) have written an analysis of the benefits and challenges of improving intercultural communication in international business. Their article functions as an overview of some key issues, and is fairly well-researched, but ultimately treads no new ground. The article first outlines the case for improved intercultural communication, noting that business is becoming increasingly globalized. As nations come together, there is the risk that ventures and deals could fail as the resultRead MoreImportance of Cross Cultural Communications1209 Words  | 5 PagesEffecti ve cross-cultural communication is one of the most important issues dealt with in business, particularly when a firm operates at an international level. Communication is a process with three key elements, which includes a source, an audience, and a channel. Communication derived from businesses will have listeners that include, but are not limited to customers, employees, suppliers, and the community (Caddy et al.). 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Nursing Reflection for Rehabilitation -
Question: Discuss about theNursing Reflection for Cardiology andRehabilitation. Answer: Introduction: Everyone is having their own map which occupies the mind of the people making different perceptions. These maps have the power to develop a portray that lasts a lifetime and personal experience plays an important role in developing perceptions. As represented in geographical maps, in the similar way personal maps are developed by the individuals that help us to known about our environment but these are representations as per our thinking only. As per my personal experience which is capable of determining that how much of our surroundings we see actually. At an earlier stage when I had joined the programme of Nursing, a very first thing that comes to my mind is what motivates the nurse to be successful in her profession, how well educated a nurse should be, what are the various responsibilities of nurse, how she manages the timings of her work shift, what she wears, how active she is and many questions were giggling in my mind. I had made the image of a nurse by studying various articles and hearing for many people like nurse got ready with a white uniform along with a cap on her head, she has to very punctual at her work place. People call them as Sister usually as sister stands for care and love while performing the duty.The nurse always greets all the patients with a smile on her face and filled with enthusiasm all the day. She takes care of medicines and injections to be provided to all the patients at the right time. She shows the words of sympathy which are enough for the hope of patient to get well soon. Nurse act as the right hand of the doctor when the doctor is on round to know the position of patients. Moreover, nurse jots down all the prescriptions given by the doctor very carefully and follow the precautionary measures to take care of the patients. She is also responsible for the proper diet taken up the patient as advised by the doctor (Cirocco, 2007). Her each and every action is as per doctor advice. As if any patients condition demands an action then she immediately informs the doctor. She has to prepare a chart of her duty hours which includes the things to be offered to patients at which time like medicines and other things. After her hours of duty, she has to give charge of duty to another nurse at the end of her duty timings. Individuals who have the strong wish to take care and have concern for the well being of people by suggesting good health measures are the one who is interesting as well as a right candidate to join the career of nursing (Cirocco, 2007). Due to the change in demand for nurses in the health department, there is a range of employment opportunity at several places. The nurse can pursue her career in schools, hospitals, old care facilities, nursing homes, airlines, specialized organizations, research organizations, Non Governmental Organizations and several other healthcare services (Daniel, 2016). Nurses can also be the teacher for teaching health classes; she is responsible for taking care of the patient, for rehabilitation, to promoting healthy life style, providing tips to cure disease and many more activities. As per my experience, in the hospital, a Nurse can practice in trauma or emergency unit, critical care unit, surgery ward either outpatient and inpatient, gynecology, cardiology, rehabilitation, cardiology and psychiatry. Moreover, Nurse can perform in the clinics, offices, schools, public and occupational helath sytem of physicians' in the community. During my first year of masters programme, I had learnt about Clinical Decision Making, Healthcare Management, Hospital Administration, Nursing Models Development, and Trends Issues in Nursing (Daniel, 2016). There are tremendous career opportunities like a lecturer in the university, administrator of the health department, in charge of a specific unit in the hospital, a researcher in the nursing field, CEO of the hospital. My wish is to become a registered nurse and to obtain a state license in order to work in a nursing field. Throughout my master's programmed at the university, I had learned various skills from basics to the practi tioner. I have had hands at a clinical lab, what I had observed is totally on my experiences dealing with patients and fellows. However, there are a lot of amendments in health care business the Bureau of Labor Statistics predict an expansion of 16% in this occupation for the decade 2014-2024 (Daniel, 2016). The regular yearly wage for register nurses was $71,000 as of 2015 onwards. Critical reflective journey Nurses are always motivated to be a reflective practitioner, which is how to reflect critically. I have learnt from many experiences of mine to deal with patients, to provide medication at the right time while taking care of a patients health. Anxiety during clinical practice At the start of clinical practice, I was a bit anxious about how to deal with the patient. I had some difficulties experienced at the beginning of clinical decision making disquieting about providing the incorrect information to the patient was among one of the issue that always makes me nervous. Although as a beginner, I am full of enthusiasm to fulfil all aspects of my responsibility. I remember during my primary day I was worried about giving the incorrect chunk of information to the patient as I memorize that one of the patients point out me about his diagnosis report and at that time, I said 'I dont have an idea' then he screams on me and asked me how you will be able to look at me as if I do not know about the diagnosis results of the report. At that time Doctor just arrived and handled the situation. In this way, I got the lesson that before going to the patient, we must have knowledge of the patients diagnosis. We have started making a chart of medications given to the patien t by jotting down the information prescribed by the doctor after that day. I usually stand at the right side of doctor to understand each and every aspect of patients medication and diet schedule. In this respect, I had started giving proper medicine to every patient in my ward assigned to me and I had started making personal concern with every patient to motivate them to get well soon. In this way, many patients started calling me as a sister. I feel elated to hear and patients started sharing their problems without hesistation which results in their early recovery. I used to take patients outside the ward to enjoy the natural environment who are handicapped. Whenever a patient enters the hospital I always help them to proceed with their treatment. Overall I can say that the first month of my training in the clinical lab was full of nervousness, although I thank my fellows to motivate me to complete my training successfully. The moment we progressed in our training and having hands on experience of day to day, my nervousness fades away. I had started handling the situation with more confidence. During this programme which has given me flexible time, I was selected as Head Nurse in a health care department where I had started instructed new interns. Later I had choosen the field cardiac cath lab where I was working as Head nurse for 5 years. I had many experiences with patients. Still, while working, I realize the need to persue masters in Nursing after my Bachelors in Nursing. As per my personal experience, I had learnt the duties of a nurse; I had work in hospitals where I got the opportunity for providing care to patients by managing their medication chart and observing the condition of the patient at different time intervals, maintaining records and having advised from doctor to do my duty. Not only care and physical support are provided rather I had provided emotional support to patients as well as patients family members. I remember one patient who had no hope of getting well but I had supported her emotionally and motivated her to live a healthy life. I had given a detailed background of the disease causes and effects and how to cure after treatment. Even special diet plan card I had made personally as per condition of a patient by communicating with the doctor. Moreover, home care strategies after treatment are provided to the patient and some tips how to take care of self with the proper medication schedule (Daniel, 2016). Another experience which I faced are the changes in the dressing of my 21years old patient. This task took almost 30mins to change the dressing. I had gone to the clinic number of times to bring the stuff needed to change the dressing and my hands were shaking at that time. I was feeling embarrassed as the patient gets irritated and my instructor was observing my way of dealing with a patient. That day I came to know about some of my weaknesses and further my instructor guides me to handle such situation with calm. I have realized that Nursesare the most faithful healthcare professionals. We are with patients while their treatment in the hospital.I personally play the role of not only of the nurse but the role of teacher, care giver, advocates, innovator and a critical thinker as per any situation arises as the patient comes under my unit of duties.Nursesare a teacher, advocates, caregivers, critical thinkers, and innovators. I feel honor while performing my duties in a professional environment andI proudly say that nursesare the heart and soul of the healthcare system of any country. Gap in Theory- Practice Every student feels that there in the gap between theory and practice as we learnt so many different aspects of nursing, but there are not many opportunities to do them in practice. One incidence which relates my theory and practice class when I got theory lecture on a disease such as diabetic mellitus then very next morning I went to the ward and have observed the patient suffering from diabetic mellitus then I had recalled all my theory content and this way all remain in my mind. As what I had read in the lecture was same as what I had observed practically. So practical plays a vital role. Try to always relate what you had studied in practical form. I had started reflecting my ideas for the clinical practice by learning theory aspects of nursing. In this way, the gap between theory and practice will be obsolete. Moreover, we are typically trained by the Head Nurse or other Nursing staff. The other ward staff is having no concern about what students learn or not, they are busy with their duty schedule and are unable to have both an educational and a service role. Some of the nursing staff has good interaction with nursing students and they are interested in helping students in the clinical placement but they are not aware of the skills and strategies which are necessary for clinical education and are not prepared for their role to act as an instructor in the clinical placement (Gallus, 2014) During Practice, the instructor acts as an evaluative person and majority of students had the perception that their instructors have a more evaluative role than a teaching role (Gallus, 2014). The role of mentor in guiding the student nurses to grow towards excellence is necessary. Around half of the students in my programme section mentioned that some of the Manager of nursing unit and Staff Nurses are very good in guiding us during clinical practice. The clinical mentors can play a vital role in nurses to build up confidence, enhancing view point in society, and motivated to work independently (Gallus, 2014). I personally feel that a good mentor always support, guide and provide us social front to do our role of being nurse perfectly. Clinical practice skills are very important in nursing education because the theory can be read by anyone but the real practical experience is the power in hands of nursing profession. In our university, nursing faculty is concerned about solving student problems in education and clinical practice. The Faculty of Nursing plans the nursing curriculum in a way that nursing students be involved actively in their education. Reflection is the diagnosis of individuals thoughts and actions. There comes a stage when confidence was building up in me to deal with the patients then I had started interacting with my colleagues and I was very well aware of the environment in which I have to work as a nurse. I got a chance to know my strengths and to do my tasks appropriately. Everything is aligned with my beliefs and values as I have hands on experience of nursing. I have started recalling my past experiences to improve my present tasks in a nursing environment. In this way, I have started my journey towards better and effective ways for nursing. Sometimes I feel negative about acting in specific behavior but at last, I found the ways to realize the things in positive ways which are more effective and motivate patients also to live in a healthy environment by following proper medication. I have started working in a professional environment. Further, I have started observing my own actions in dealing with different patients. As I am getting experience, I got a habit of improving my ways by comparing with other professionals. Why is reflective practice so important? Reflective practice or experience is critical for each person specifically nurses as they need to extend the medical facilities with focus basis their acquired knowledge through education and conduct in the treatment of patients and their families members to meet the challenge. It is more serious when we look at it from point of ever changing and update in their area of work. On one side technology is updating and changing the way one has to work and update their acquired professional skills and other side customer being having knowledge of treatment being given to their members. Attending reviews and meetings in their fields helps them to gauge challenges and opportunities of future and do SWOT analysis to strategies their future plans. To add to this, they need to be very interactive and communicative with their colleagues as this profession rely more on mutual support as compared to any other field of area. Though they should always be in touch with the ever changing environment, they should also learn to be sort of self dependent. This goal can only be realized by them if they are attentive to feedbacks of the stake holders i.e. patients their families, their colleagues and the Institution they are working for and making the best use of given exposure. How to be reflective To be reflective is a really big challenge in given a set of lifestyle. You would not have enough time to meet deadlines not only in professional life but also in personal life. One can be under enormous pressure to achieve this goal. Here we are listing tools or area which can be optimally used in fast pace life to be reflective in real sense and ensure your growth in the future. Feedback Feedback is the critical and central area in the process of reflection as to what you are today is only on basis of what you were being told by stakeholders in past as one is always acknowledging the verbal or written feedbacks from others for our skills, efficiency and even how we conduct in public space. But the question is Do I know correctly what I have seen or listen? By nature, all of us are grown with certain sort of views and perception and with it we all have a different set of view of the world not only in terms of how we look at the world but also how world look at us or a particular incident around or in the world we are living. A simple way of achieving this is to develop the habit of getting feedback or understanding perception of other people about a particular incident is by being proactive in interacting with the people around or simply asking for feedback on your services. Yes, the people you are interacting should be one you can trust and is honest with his view and even more, you can rely or value upon. That person can vary from place to place, say, at work, that can be your senior or even a junior colleague who is in position to give you another angle to your thinking or approach to a particular situation to add to your learning. Remember, though, you need to be active enough not to take his feedback as the truth always but yes make sure you give due regard to the opinion. One should be motivated enough to be reflective to accept responsibility and challenge to ASK- what, when and where how they perceived your behavior without thinking too much as some will, some would not but so what. For illustration, one should ask can you give me some feedback as to how I handle to that patient? At first, you may be surprised as you will find people bit hesitant in providing feedback but slowly when they feel or realize that you may ask for their view, they are likely to come up with valuable suggestions full of information and useful resources for you. Rather I was astonished to find people coming to me for feedback for their work. Viewing experiences objectively To attain as intention a image as likely of yourself, the actions or yours and the colleagues, attempt the subsequent exercise. Remember an event from the current past, one which concerned you and an additional person or other people. Now envisage yourself at the theatre. On the phase are the group of actors in the scene in which you were concerned. Look as cautiously as you can at what you are burden and proverb and at what the other person is doing and saying. Gaze at the communication, connecting you and the other person, and look at the role you are playing. Do you observe anything dissimilar from this viewpoint and, if so, what? How does this have an effect on you now? Practising this means of looking back on an knowledge can help you build up reflection-in-action skill. Being a participant observer of your own experience is a sophisticated skill and can enable you to process the underlying elements of a personal experience.A useful way of reflecting on an interaction, possibly one that has involved you in a conflict of some kind, is to adopt an empathic position to try to see, hear and feel what the other person may have experienced. Working conditions and salary Even though many events perform in a cath lab are planned during daytime hours, emergency occur that necessitate cath lab nurses to be accessible around the clock. Employment opportunity for cath lab nurses can be bring into being in hospitals, private clinics and cardiac catheterization laboratoarys. As with the majority specialty in nursing, salary will differ depending on years of experience, credentials and geographic area. The standard salary for a cath lab nurse in 2013 was between $65,000 and $83,000 a year according to a survey completed by Springboard Inc., which is a medical staffing agency (Hamlin, 2004). Nurses who are interested in working in a cath lab should be detail-oriented. They work very closely with cardiovascular technicians and physicians and should work well as part of a team. The work can become stressful, and emergency situations may develop quickly. Cath lab nurses should have a calm demeanor and work well under pressure (Hamlin, 2004). Medicine continues to evolve, and new technologies are always emerging, especially in cardiovascular care. Nurses who work in the cath lab should enjoy learning and stay on top of the latest information Sometimes people decide to become nurses rather than doctors, because the nurses will be able to help patients directly, by talking to them, doing things they need, carefully watching that nothing goes wrong, and then seeing them as they get better (Hamlin, 2004). Like doctors, nurses can choose what work they do. Some nurses train and work to help during the surgery. Some nurses train to help people understand health problems like nutrition (what to eat), and disease (what can make people sick). Nurses can do many different jobs to help people. Conclusion Nurses are in demand because there are not enough nurses to handle hospital needs. Because of this shortage, nurses will sometimes travel to another location to work for a few months in what is called travel nursing. My life experiences have helped me to realize that nursing is my calling. I feel the best about myself when I am given the opportunity to help and care for others, and it would be my dream to complete the Nursing Program at your incredible institution. My first memorable experience working with nurses happened at 17 years old when I became pregnant. This time in my life was incredibly scary and I got through it with the help from my wonderful family and caring visiting nurse staff. I was so empowered by the nurses support, education, willingness to help and their positive influence that they helped me believe that I could be successful. References Cirocco, M. (2007). How Reflective Practice Improves Nurses Critical Thinking Ability.Gastroenterology Nursing,30(6), 405-413. Daniel, E. (2016). Music used as anti-anxiety intervention for patients during outpatient procedures: A review of the literature.Complementary Therapies In Clinical Practice,22, 21-23. Gallus, P. (2014). One nurse?s inspirational journey.Nursing Critical Care,9(1), 7-8. Hamlin *, K. (2004). Beginning the journey: supporting reflection in early field experiences.Reflective Practice,5(2), 167-179.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Prositution free essay sample
Prostitutes in Thailand Should be Legal, Or Not? In 2001, there were 2. 02 million of prostitutes in Thailand according to the research of Thai Child Rights Organization, while in 2005, the number of prostitutes was increasing to 2. 51 million. Although prostitute is an illegal occupation, the number of them is still increasing in each year. Is it better if we use the law to control this Job by making it as a legal occupation? There are 3 advantages to make prostitute as the legal occupation concerning about the economic side which are receiving more taxes, decreasing the healths budget according to sexually transmitted disease, ND decreasing the governments corruption. Firstly, we can receive more taxes from legal prostitute. In Switzerland, the country that prostitute is legal, prostitutes gain 1. 18 trillion Baht (3. 5 billion Swiss Franc) income per year to their country which meaner that the country receives 0. 59 trillion Baht for taxes . According to the thesis of Clangorous University in 2009, the average income of prostitutes which the age of 18-35, 80 percent of all prostitutes, is approximately 85,000 Baht/month and the number of prostitutes is 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Prositution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 6 million. Thailand uses the progressive tax rates which mean the more you got, the more you ay taxes. Prostitute has to pay income subtracted all expenses)*12*O. 2(rate of taxes for people who have the income more than 500,000 Baht/year]Baht/year for taxes which meaner that the government should receive approximately 13. 4 trillion Baht/year (84,000 Baht*l . 6 million prostitutes). Not only the income of government that will increase, but the expense from healths budget is also decreasing too. Regarding to the latest sentence, being prostitute to be a legal occupation can cost less money on Public Healths budget. In 2012, Thai government spent 134 million on AIDS patients. Government has to spend 2. 74 million Baht on 1 patient per year. It can be said that if number of AIDS is increasing, the budget spending on these patients will increase too. Not only AIDS is the sexually transmitted disease in our world, but there are others like Kangarooed, Scabies, Syphilis, and Coincide too. The number of patients who got sexually transmitted disease in Thailand during the year 2003 is approximately 1. 6 million people according to the World Health Organizations research. Compared to Switzerland, the number of the patients is only 16,000. The reconstitutes in Switzerland have to check up their physical health every month so that the risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases is decreasing as well. If prostitute is a legal occupation, it will easier to control these diseases too. Finally, pushing prostitute to be a legal occupation can decrease the governments corruption. After Mr.. Chit Cosmologist, the former massage parlors owner, entered political roles, he has revealed many shocking information about prostitution in Thailand. In 2003, he unveiled that some of his best customers are politicians and police officers. He lamed that he also have to paid those influential people more than 2 million dollars for the bribes to keep his business goes on. According to Mr.. Cosmologist, some large prostitution rings in Bangkok and other provinces are backed by politicians and other influential people. In 2012, he revealed the information of the sex trade area in Hat Way. He SAA d brothels in Hat Way nave to pay band per month to police. Both politicians and police have been supporting and indulging in the prostitution industry openly. If we push prostitution to be the legal occupation, the corruption will decrease too. To conclude, pushing prostitutes to be a legal occupation can benefit economy of the countries by receiving more taxes, and decreasing the healths budget and the governments corruption.
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